Bug on calendar for publication date

Issue #25 invalid
herve ranchin created an issue

If we use publication on the VERSIONS page

but if we go on the same page through the classical version page, we got no problem

I got the last version for Jira 8.5

Comments (4)

  1. herve ranchin reporter

    No ! Its work on the standard Jira page, (second screenshot) but bug with the plugin page version !

    On the markeplace the screenshots are base on a realy olf version of Jira !

  2. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Sorry, also the first screenshot is from standard Jira. From this standard Jira page you can release resp. publish a version from there (like in the screenshot) if you have Administer Project permission. Version Manager for Jira provides an alternative user interface, where you can manage and release versions without Administer Project permission, but with the Manage Version permission. Please notice the different icon of the page in the sidebar on the left comparing the screenshots on the marketplace and your first screenshot.

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