Can Manage Versions GUI match Releases Tab GUI for Administrators?

Issue #27 wontfix
Darryl Hahn created an issue

I prefer the Releases Tab GUI for Administrators, to modify an existing Version, over the “Manage Versions” GUI for editing an existing Version.

Could you provide an option to the user to switch the edit mode on Manage Versions to match that used on the Releases tab?

On the Releases tab, the Administrator user is provided a “Actions” column that add the options of:  Edit, Delete, Archive, Unrelease or Release.  This is a ONE-STEP process for changing the Version’s status from Unreleased to Released.

This is different from the Manage Versions GUI that puts a pencil icon next to each field, which then opens the option up to select the Status with the dropdown list of: Release, Unrelease or Archive.  This makes a THREE-STEP process for changing the status of a Version as Release, Unrelease or Archive: 1) Click the Pencil icon, 2) Select the Status change, 3) Click the Update button

Could we have a ONE-STEP option for changing the status of a Version on Manage Versions?

Comments (2)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    To create the list of versions I am using a standard Atlassian UI component AUI RestFull Table. It has a slightly different user interaction concept than the manager version panel in project admin. It is unclear, what UI component is used in the project admin and this component is not available for general use by other Jira add-on. Therefor I cannot simply switch to this other table and UI design.

    The number of steps to set a version to released is not really different and also not more complicated from my point of view. In project admin panel 1) click … and select Release from the dropdown 2) (optional) set a release date 3) click Release.

  2. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I have decided to stay with the current user interaction concept with pencil icon and update button to edit version.

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