implement "Import spectral library from JSON file" algorithm

Issue #1027 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue

We can already export libraries to a human-readable JSON file:

Now we need the corresponding import algorithm.

Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    We now use GeoJSON format, which can be created with QGIS API. To make it fully human-readable, we will replace the binary profile fields with text fields:

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow FYI:
    For now, GeoJSON is concidered an external SpectralLibrary format, because the EnMAP-Box isn’t yet supporting text fields as profiles.
    To import it into the internal format, you can use the “Import spectral library from JSON file“ algorithm.

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow already implemented support for human-readable JSON/Text-Fields for Profiles. So we don’t need this algorithm anymore.

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