Label bands as "bad bands" within EnMapBox

Issue #1055 resolved
Agustin Lobo created an issue

Is there a GUI-based tool to label/unlabel a given band as “bad band”? I think the most straightforward way would as tickable option

in Raster Layer Styling/Gray: there you visualize the band and mark as bad if needed.

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas Janz

    After labeling a band as bad, would you like to have that stored in the raster file itself, or should that be a temporary setting, that is gone after the layer is removed or the EnMAP-Box is closed?

  2. Agustin Lobo reporter

    As far as I understood, the bad band label is kept in the metadata, so that band bands can be excluded with Subset Bands. In other words, these labels should go to the same place as those imported from the envi hdr go.

  3. Andreas Janz

    Yes, and this is, where it gets complicated.

    When opening an ENVI file the first time, all ENVI metadata goes to the *.aux.xml sidecar file. This *aux.xml file is part of the raster source.

    If I would write the bad band information into the *.aux.xml file, I would edit the source from within QGIS/EnMAP-Box via a raster layer.

    In the team we decided to not do this. Edits in the raster layers are not allowed to edit the raster source, to prevent bad side effect.

    It is crucial here to understand the difference between a raster layer and it’s source.

    Due to this restriction, the only way you can edit bad bands in the raster source is here:

    I know that this is not the most convinient solution. It was also not my first choice, but we sacrificed comfort in favour of security.

  4. Andreas Janz

    Having said that, we could store the information at the raster layer. But as mentioned, settings will get lost after closing the layer or the EnMAP-Box.

  5. Agustin Lobo reporter

    Having the “Raster Source Band Properties Editor” is enough, no worries (again, I could not find this tool until you just showed it). I just use a piece of paper and

    note the bad bands while displaying with Raster Layer Styling/Gray and then will use this tool.

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