CatBoost classifier not working

Issue #1140 resolved
Fabian Thiel created an issue

How to reproduce:
Try to fit a catboost classifier. Fails with the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\fabian\Documents\Repositories\enmap-box\site-packages\typeguard\", line 903, in wrapper
retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\fabian\Documents\Repositories\enmap-box\enmapboxprocessing\algorithm\", line 93, in processAlgorithm
dump = ClassifierDump(dump.categories, dump.features, dump.X, dump.y, classifier)
File "<string>", line 8, in __init__
File "C:\Users\fabian\Documents\Repositories\enmap-box\enmapboxprocessing\", line 99, in __post_init__
check_type('classifier', self.classifier, Optional[Union[ClassifierMixin, Pipeline]])
File "C:\Users\fabian\Documents\Repositories\enmap-box\site-packages\typeguard\", line 641, in check_type
checker_func(argname, value, expected_type, memo)
File "C:\Users\fabian\Documents\Repositories\enmap-box\site-packages\typeguard\", line 448, in check_union
raise TypeError('type of {} must be one of ({}); got {} instead'.
TypeError: type of classifier must be one of (ClassifierMixin, Pipeline, NoneType); got catboost.core.CatBoostClassifier instead

Execution failed after 2.45 seconds

Version: develop branch as of 28.03.2022 15:10
QGIS 3.24.1 W10

>pip list
Package                       Version
----------------------------- ---------
alabaster                     0.7.12
astropy                       5.0.1
Babel                         2.9.1
catboost                      1.0.4
certifi                       2020.6.20
cftime                        1.5.2
chardet                       3.0.4
colorama                      0.4.4
commonmark                    0.9.1
coverage                      5.3
cycler                        0.10.0
dataclasses                   0.6
docutils                      0.17.1
enpt-enmapboxapp              0.6.2
fonttools                     4.28.5
future                        0.18.2
GDAL                          3.4.1
git-lfs                       1.6
gitdb                         4.0.9
GitPython                     3.1.27
graphviz                      0.19.1
httplib2                      0.18.1
idna                          2.10
imagesize                     1.3.0
importlib-metadata            4.11.1
Jinja2                        2.11.2
joblib                        1.1.0
kiwisolver                    1.2.0
lightgbm                      3.3.2
livereload                    2.6.3
llvmlite                      0.38.0
Markdown                      3.3.6
MarkupSafe                    1.1.1
matplotlib                    3.5.1
mock                          4.0.2
netCDF4                       1.5.8
nose2                         0.9.2
numba                         0.55.1
numpy                         1.20.2
OWSLib                        0.25.0
packaging                     20.4
pandas                        1.4.1
PDAL                          3.0.2
Pillow                        8.0.1
pip                           22.0.3
plotly                        4.12.0
ply                           3.11
psutil                        5.9.0
psycopg2-binary               2.8.6
Pygments                      2.7.2
PyOpenGL                      3.1.5
pyparsing                     2.4.7
pyproj                        3.2.1
PyQt5                         5.15.4
PyQt5-sip                     12.8.1
python-dateutil               2.8.1
pytz                          2020.1
pywin32                       228
PyYAML                        5.3.1
recommonmark                  0.7.1
requests                      2.24.0
retrying                      1.3.3
scikit-learn                  1.0.2
scipy                         1.6.2
setuptools                    56.0.0
sip                           6.1.1
six                           1.15.0
smmap                         5.0.0
snowballstemmer               2.2.0
Sphinx                        1.8.6
sphinx-argparse               0.3.1
sphinx-autobuild              2021.3.14
sphinx-markdown               1.0.2
sphinx-rtd-theme              1.0.0
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sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        2.0.0
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5
sphinxcontrib-websupport      1.2.4
sphinxnotes-strike            1.0
threadpoolctl                 3.1.0
toml                          0.10.1
tornado                       6.1
urlchecker                    0.0.25
urllib3                       1.25.11
wheel                         0.37.1
wxPython                      4.1.1
xgboost                       1.5.2
xmlrunner                     1.7.7
zipp                          3.7.0