Reclassify app is outdated and should be removed

Issue #1155 open
Andreas Rabe created an issue

The whole classification scheme concept has changed, so the app is not really up-to-date and useful anymore:

Classes are now defined by styling a raster layer.

Current implementation is also broken, because it uses old hubflow algorithms, that don’t exist anymore.

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas Rabe reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow , shall I implement a new algorithm that reclassifies according to the new classification scheme logic?

  2. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Maybe we deactivate the app for the current v3.10 release and reintroduce it for v3.11?

  3. Andreas Rabe reporter
    • marked as bug

    We need to decide this now, because the app is broken (-> Bug).
    I think we need to remove it for now (i.e. v3.10 release) and maybe re-introduce it later (e.g. in v3.11).

  4. Benjamin Jakimow

    The aim of this app is to change pixel values that correspond to class labels. Many users will still relay on “gdal” or “ENVI” style classification layers, which don’t know QGIS classification styles stored in qmls.

    Which app do you think takeover this job instead?

    The refactoring & removal of the old hubflow API might made some changes necessary, but so far all tests in tests/src/coreapps/ run through. Seems the hublfow legacy code still exists.

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