[Virtual Raster Builder 0.9.20210222T...] improvements / issues

Issue #1156 closed
Andreas Rabe created an issue

Comments (10)

  1. Andreas Rabe reporter

    2. Dropping a source band gives an error:


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users/Andreas/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\EnMAP-Box Develop/python/plugins\vrtbuilderplugin\vrtbuilder\widgets.py", line 182, in onBandInserted
        assert i == index

  2. Andreas Rabe reporter

    4. Setting output resolution to 300m is not working:

    Result has original 30m resolution:

  3. Andreas Rabe reporter

    6. Reprojecting hires_berlin.bsq into WGS84 fails:

    Result layer consist of only zeros:

  4. Andreas Rabe reporter

    7. Dropping a layer multiple times results in strange behaviour:

    An error has occurred while executing Python code:


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users/Andreas/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\EnMAP-Box Develop/python/plugins\vrtbuilderplugin\vrtbuilder\widgets.py", line 182, in onBandInserted
        assert i == index
  5. Andreas Rabe reporter

    8. Not sure how to select the spatial extent from a map canvas. Maybe it is broken?

  6. Andreas Rabe reporter

    9. Not clear how aligning raster grids. When given the following setup with hires_berlin.bsq

    … after aligning to enmap_berlin.bsq, I get a very big output extent, that makes no sense:

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