[Data Sources panel] improvements / issues

Issue #1162 closed
Andreas Rabe created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (15)

  1. Andreas Rabe reporter

    2. Rename options:

    • “Remove” to “Remove source”
    • “Copy” to “Copy value”
    • “Remove all DataSources” to “Remove all sources”

  2. Andreas Rabe reporter

    3. Rename “Remove” to “Remove all raster sources“

    Do the same for the other groups:

    • “Remove all vector sources“
    • “Remove all model sources“
    • “Remove all other file sources“

  3. Andreas Rabe reporter

    4. Inconsistent terminology for the Spectral View throughout the GUI.

    I would suggest to always use “Spectral View”.

    I would not say “Spectral Library View”. I would rather think of: the “Spectral View” displays/manages “Spectral Library” layers.

    Never say Window:

  4. Andreas Rabe reporter

    6. Not just say “map”, better say “Map View”.

    Rename to “Open in new Map View”.

    Rename to “Open in existing Map View…”.

  5. Andreas Rabe reporter

    7. When dropping a library on the grey view area, a Spectral View and a Map View are opened.

    Most of the time you want only one of the two. And in case of non-spatial speclibs, the Map View is confusing to the user, because it has nothing to show:

    I would suggest, to only open a Spectral View.

    In case the user wants to display the speclib in a map view, he has to create a map view first, and drop the speclib on the map view.

  6. Andreas Rabe reporter

    8. Dropping a layer on a map view, will add and display the layer inside the same map view. That is cool!

    Dropping a speclib on a spectral view, will not add and display the speclib profils in the same spectral view. Instead, two new Vies are opened. That is not cool and totally confusing.

    Expected: the speclib profiles should be added to the existing Spectral View

  7. Andreas Rabe reporter

    9. Dropping a raster layer on a Spectral View will open a new Map View.

    It’s not super critical, but I would just ignore the drop and do nothing. Maybe you can just change the drop-indicator to tell the user that this drop is not possible.

  8. Andreas Rabe reporter

    11. Dropping a layer on a Text View will open new Map Views and Spectral Views.

    This is confusing. Just do nothing and ignore the drop.

  9. Andreas Rabe reporter

    12. Copying the values of an array, is not working anymore.

    I remember that we fixed that bug in the past, but somehow it sneaked in again:

    The user only gets some values, which is not very useful:

  10. Andreas Rabe reporter

    13. Collapsing and expanding only selected nodes is not very useful. If I need to click on a node to select it first, I could just expand/collapse it directly.

    Just do it like QGIS, expand and collaps always all nodes:

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