[Sepctral View] inconsistent context menu

Issue #1253 resolved
Andreas Rabe created an issue

Created context menu is quite inconsistent:

Also, I can set layer styling colors here, which makes no sense:

Comments (5)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    Please describe what specifically is “inconsistent” to you?
    Related to your 2nd point: As known from QGIS, colours may be defined using expressions. This, for example, allows using project variables etc. In case of expression, it’s up to the user that they make sense.

  2. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Related to your 2nd point: As known from QGIS, colours may be defined using expressions. This, for example, allows using project variables etc. In case of expression, it’s up to the user that they make sense.

    As you see in the screenshot, I selected @symbol_colors for all 4 options, but the plot is still showing white lines on a black background → this is a bug, right?

  3. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Please describe what specifically is “inconsistent” to you?

    This context menu …

    … should be also shown here:

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