[Spectral profile sources] name option not used in attibute table

Issue #1313 open
Fabian Thiel created an issue

I am not sure if this is actually supposed to work like this: But I assumed that the naming option in the spectral profile sources is used to populate the name field in the attribute table?

Tooltip shows:

#Box version
Version c7d679b
#QGIS version
#QGIS code revision
#Qt version
#Python version
#GDAL/OGR version
#PROJ version
#EPSG Registry database version
v9.8.6 (2020-01-22)
#Compiled against GEOS
#Running against GEOS
#OS version
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    Works if you express it as string → ‘AA’ instead AA. Maybe this wrapping can be done automatically.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    As in QGIS, this widget expects that strings are wrapped in '<string>' and field names by "<field>". Some widgets provide an automatic corrects that replaces missing ““ to correct expression references on fields. It is questionable if we should introduce something similar for none-field referring inputs.

    For example, if the input expression for a string field NAME is MY_NAME, it could be changed to 'MY_NAME' to be a valid QGIS expression that returns a string.

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