[CreateClassificationDatasetFromCategorizedVectorLayerAndFeatureRaster algo] individual band noDataValues aren't used

Issue #1323 resolved
Andreas Rabe created an issue

Reported by @Florian Katerndahl via Slack.

enmapbox:CreateClassificationDatasetFromCategorizedVectorLayerAndFeatureRaster ist das. Ein Beispiel wäre [-0.0000000e+00 -3.4028231e+38 -3.4028231e+38 -3.4028231e+38 -3.4028231e+38 -3.4028231e+38 -3.4028231e+38 nan ........]  - die -3.402e+38 sollten eigentlich auch NoDatas sein. Da aber auch, zumindest in diesem kurzen Ausschnitt hier, auch np.nans enthalten sind war mein Gedanke, dass nicht beides als NoData erkannt wird.

Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Testdata was also provided.

    Raster: D:\data\issues\1323\testing_emb_classification\X0061_Y0048_full_stack.vrt

    Vector: D:\data\issues\1323\testing_emb_classification\queried_lucas.gpkg

  2. Andreas Rabe reporter

    @Florian Katerndahl , when running the algorithm with your data, I get the following warning:

    ERROR 4: D:\data\issues\1323\testing_emb_classification\19920519_LEVEL2_LND05_BOA-04.vrt: No such file or directory
    ERROR 4: D:\data\issues\1323\testing_emb_classification\19920519_LEVEL2_LND05_BOA-06.vrt: No such file or directory
    ERROR 4: D:\data\issues\1323\testing_emb_classification\X0061_Y0048_LND07_20160918_20160101_20161231_BLUE_STMS_75-th-percentile_slVRT.vrt: No such file or directory

    Is it save to ignore them? or do you want to provide new data?

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