EnMap-box 3 instalation failes / Sklearn is installed but not recognized in qGIS

Issue #139 closed
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Hei, Since 2 days I trying now to install the EnMap-box 3 in qGIS, without any success. I get the error message «Unable to import the following python package(s): sklearn” However when I install sklearn with pip in the OSGGeo4W Shell it says: Successfully installed scikit-learn-0.19.2 sklearn-0.0 . I dont know how to solve it and it is quite frustrating spending so much time on installing this plugin.

Comments (4)

  1. Thang Hanam

    This worked for me.

    1. Install QGIS Standalone (included OSGEO4W)

    2. Install Enmap Box 3 from Zip file (version August 2nd)

    3. Run OSGEO4W as administrator

    4. call py3_env.bat (set path to run python3)

    5. python3 -m pip install numpy --upgrade # upgrade to latest version of numpy

    6. python3 -m pip install scipy --upgrade # upgrade to latest version of scipy

    7. python3 -m pip install pyqtgraph # install module pyqtgraph (not neccessary if you already installed)

    8. python3 -m pip install sklearn # install module sklearn

    Start python 3, and:

    import sklearn

    if no errors, that mean you can start EnmapBox 3 in QGIS.

  2. Fabian Thiel

    Did you make sure to run it as administrator? You might also wanna try to use

    python3 -m pip install scikit-learn

    as this is the recommended way to install it (our current version of the documentation still says sklearn, will be changed soon)

  3. Thang Hanam

    I wish not to use Admin right to install. But first install failed and I tried admin right to run OSGEO4W at the second time. And it worked!

    Please have a check and update on the manual!


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