Spectral plot of reflectance while another image is displayed

Issue #258 resolved
Former user created an issue

I find very useful visulizing trichromatic composites of PCA (or MNR,ICA...) bands but want to get the spectral plot of reflectance when I click on pixel. Could you add the option of selecting which image should the plot use among those available in the Data Views/Map ? Maybe we could have one box for selecting which image to display (as now) and another to select which image would be plotted in the spectral plot.

Comments (9)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow
    • changed status to open

    the idea is to impement a panel that controls an n to m relationship between data sources/map layers and spectral libraries.

  2. Agustin Lobo

    How? Cannot find the way.

    Should this not just be the result of selecting a given dataset in the Spectral Library/Layer menu?

  3. Andreas Janz

    If I don’t get the question wrong, here is how you would set it up:

    Now I click on the hires_berlin raster and still get the enmap_berlin raster that sits in the background.

  4. Agustin Lobo

    ok, quite hidden. What is the purpose of the Layer menu under the Renderer Bands? Should this selection not being linked to the one you show? It would be a lot easier for the user. Anyway, not a big deal once I know how to do it.

  5. Andreas Janz

    ok, quite hidden. What is the purpose of the Layer menu under the Renderer Bands? Should this selection not being linked to the one you show? It would be a lot easier for the user. Anyway, not a big deal once I know how to do it.

    @Benjamin Jakimow what do you say?

  6. Benjamin Jakimow

    @alobo I don’t know with which development you are working on. What you see in @Andreas Janz last screenshot is a more generic way of the “show raster layer render bands in the plot”. You will be able to add multiple layer render bands to the plot (RGB für multi-band, single band for other renderers, including alpha band if used). This way you can visualize an images source, for example in True Color and False IR side by side, and control the bands of each of these two layers.

    However, so far I haven’t merged these updates back into the EnMAP-Box develop branch.

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