Colorize Spectrum is gone

Issue #268 closed
Former user created an issue

The icon for colorizing spectral profiles in the spectral library window is missing.

This issue has occurred using: Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 and Arch) QGIS 3.6

Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    Spectral Profiles are now colorized based on the QGIS vector feature renderer. This allows you to colorize even large numbers of profiles according to your rules and metadata attributes, e.g. by using a categorical vector renderer that turns all profiles into blue colors that contain the name “water” within a text field.

    The color your profile positions' point would have in a map is used as profile color in the profile plot. To view profiles that have a geolocation as vector layer in a map window, just call the maps' context menu → Add Spectral Library → <your spectral library>.

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