Spectral Library: name of default field should be changed

Issue #270 closed
Fabian Thiel created an issue

I think name is a fieldname that should be usable by the user, hence I would change the auto generated field’s name to something like info, description, desc, identifier, file_xy_crs or anything else…

Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow
    • changed status to open

    name can be editied by users like any other field.

    Initial names given to SpectralProfiles selected in maps are <file basename><geo-coordinate>, e.g. enmap_berlin.bsq 386102.94471264374 5818809.131609195 EPSG:32633

    This might be shortened to <file basename><pixel-coordinate>, e.g. enmap_berlin.bsq 100,200

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