Generating Spectral Library using polygon shape does not work

Issue #329 closed
Florian Beyer created an issue


In order to apply regression based unmixing , it is necessary to generate a spectral library with attributes before.

It is really annoying If you have to generate this library click by click by your own.

A better way would be if you just prepare a polygon shape file with your classes. (I did this.)


If you have once your shape I tought I can just use the enmapbox function Import profiles from raster + vector source

in the spectral library window.

Unfortunately if I try that, my QGIS crashes without an error.

First a window appears that the profiles are read, then it crashes and QGIS restart is necessary.

I also tried to convert the polygones to points (according the GSD of the image).

Same result.

Comments (5)

  1. Florian Beyer reporter

    Ok, I just tried it with fewer points and it worked with both, polygones and points….

    The question is know, how to handle larger number of points?

  2. Florian Beyer reporter

    1000 points is barely possible.

    Actually I want to load tens of thousands od spectra…

    My machine:

    Intel Core i5-7500 2x 3,4 GHz | 64 GB RAM | 1TB SSD | 64 bit Windows | QGIS 3.10 | EnMAP-Box 3.5

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