sample and aggregate pixel profiles under the MapView pixel grid

Issue #344 open
Andreas Janz created an issue

Given the following usecase:

I linked an EnMAP pixel profiles into a spectral library.

Additionally, I want to link an aggregated Sentinel 2 pixel profile into the same library. The aggregation should be the weighted mean of all S2 profiles under the selected EnMAP pixel.

To achieve this, we need a new Optionen under Sampling to select one of the MapView pixel grids

Comments (8)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    I like to use a more general formulation:

    1. We have different sampling geometries for which profiles are read from a raster source:
    • Point location the user has clicked. (implemented)
    • Line → all pixels connected to that line
    • Polygon → all pixels covered by this line

    The geometry could be linked to e.g. another raster grid, but vector files as well

    2. An aggregation step aggregates the returned profiles. This requires an additional columns

    • No Aggregation (single Profile(s))
    • Mean
    • Min
    • Max

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