missing files in final ZIP

Issue #379 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue

see issue #377

Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter
    • changed status to open

    I created that issue to seperate the missing file problem from the rest of the post #377 (which is assigned to me).

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    Ah ok, saw this to late. But this issue can be closed anyway, as already mentioned in #377:

    The missing *.css and *.js issue is fixed. See scripts/create_plugin.py, line 114ff:

    None-python files can be added either explicitly files.append(…) or by modifying the regex pattern

    # copy python and other resource files
    pattern = re.compile(r'\.(py|svg|png|txt|ui|tif|qml|md|js|css)$')
    files = list(scantree(DIR_REPO / 'enmapbox', pattern=pattern))
    files.extend(list(scantree(DIR_REPO / 'site-packages', pattern=pattern)))
    files.extend(list(scantree(DIR_REPO / 'hubflow', pattern=pattern)))
    files.extend(list(scantree(DIR_REPO / 'hubdc', pattern=pattern)))
    files.extend(list(scantree(DIR_REPO / 'enmapboxgeoalgorithms', pattern=pattern)))
    files.append(DIR_REPO / '__init__.py')
    files.append(DIR_REPO / 'CHANGELOG.rst')
    files.append(DIR_REPO / 'CONTRIBUTORS.rst')
    files.append(DIR_REPO / 'LICENSE.md')
    files.append(DIR_REPO / 'LICENSE.txt')
    files.append(DIR_REPO / 'requirements.txt')
    files.append(DIR_REPO / 'requirements_developer.txt')

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