Make test vector data single feature

Issue #392 closed
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

The vector data sets in the EnMAP-Box test data are of type multipoint/multipolygon.

This causes some problems:

  • in general it is is very uncommon to use multi geometries.
  • user can not select single points/polgyons, e.g. to zoom to its extent

Instead, the test data should be delivered as single-geometry per feature data.

Comments (12)

  1. Andreas Janz

    @Benjamin Jakimow not sure if multi-geometries are that uncommen. You should better ask Sebastian and Akpona about that.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow reporter

    At least they are not suited to show the EnMAP-Box navigation features and obviously harder to edit. Or how would you re-label a single point?

  3. Andreas Janz

    I think that is the whole point of a multi-geometry feature: you set the label once and can add as many points as you want. It’s like the labeling tool in ENVI Classic.

    In QGIS you can edit single parts of the geometry with the vertex tool quite easily:

    Anyway, if Apona and Sebastian is fine with it, we can have single-part features.

  4. Andreas Janz

    see email from Akpona

    Betreff:    Re: EnMAP.Box Testdata: Multi to single feature
    Datum:  Tue, 31 Mar 2020 14:30:21 +0200
    Von:    Okujeni, Akpona <>
    An:, Andreas Rabe <>, Benjamin Jakimow <>
    Kopie (CC):     Dr. Sebastian van der Linden <>, Fabian Thiel <>
  5. Benjamin Jakimow reporter
    • changed status to open

    See mail from Akpona.

    "Und dahingehend wäre es wirklich super wenn es mal ein Brainstorming zu dem Thema "was passiert in QGIS vs. was muss die Box können" gibt."

    We need to discuss this in a meeting, as the testdata needs to be better suited for showing EnMAP-Box functions and features.

  6. Andreas Janz

    Last status was to not have single-feature layers. I'll close this for now. If still relevant better bring it up as a Trello card for discussion in the bigger team.

  7. Benjamin Jakimow reporter
    • changed status to open

    AFAIK we decided to change to single-feature data with the overhaul of the offical testdata. At least the example data should look like that what can be created manually.

  8. Andreas Janz

    When overhauling the Regression Workflow, I plan to add a point layer with regression-reference-data, which will be single-part.

    Having that, shall be keep the landcover vectors as is?

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