center (connected) MapViews around location of selected profile

Issue #411 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue
  1. select a profile
  2. center (connected) MapViews around the profiles location

So I guess we would need a mechanism for connecting MapViews with SpectralViews.

Comments (7)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    The mechanism is already there for the Attribute table. The zoom action will apply to the current map view (that map view which contains the current map layer). Linked maps will change accordingly.

    I just need to refactor the SpectralLibraryWidget to inherit from the AttributeTable

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    That sounds a bit to complicated to me: The zoom action will apply to the current map view (that map view which contains the current map layer).

    What about including the SpectralViews into the Map Linking dialog? This way, the user can explicitely select which MapView should be updated by a profiles map location. Sounds good?

    @Fabian Thiel @Sebastian van der Linden any thoughts from your side?

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    Please have a look how first how it is already implemented in the Attribute Table.

    An extra dialog requires +3 clicks (1. open the dialog, 2. select the canvas, 3. close the dialog)

    Instead, the “current map” (EnMAPBox().currentMapCanvas) is always defined, as it is the map which has been mouse-clicked last or from which a layer has been selected last in the data view panel. Changing it requires 1 click only: just click on the map of interest or one of its map layers.

  4. Andreas Janz reporter

    I’m too stupid for this, can’t figure out how select the “current map”, even if I only have a single MapView 😸

    I selected enmap_berlin.bsq everywhere I can see it, but the Zoom to Feature does nothing for me.

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    As mentioned above, the mechanism has been implemented for the Attribute Table Widget (not the Spectral library widget). You can open it via a vector layers’s context menu:

  6. Andreas Janz reporter

    Ah, the new attribute table, thought you talked about the attribute table of the SpectralView.

    And yes, I like the navigation in the Layers Attribute Table, because it is exactly like in QGIS. Looking forward to see this also in the SpectralView Attribute Table. Maybe you already convinced me 😉.

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