Can we have two special MapViews that behave like an Overview and a ZoomView like in ENVI Classic or in QGIS (with ZoomView Plugin)?

Issue #436 open
Andreas Janz created an issue

@Benjamin Jakimow I think an Overview and a ZoomView are really missing in the EnMAP-Box.

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    yes, we can.

    But we need to discuss first how theses windows should behave in the multi-map situation of the EnMAP-Box (which is not given in QGIS).

    Overview map(s):

    • How many? (one for all other maps (1:n) / one for the current map canvas only (1:1)?)
    • Which spatial extents should be shown there?

    Zoom map(s)?

    • How many? (one for a map of choice / as many as wanted?)

    In the background, they should use the QgsMapCanvasBridge to sync the layer trees

  2. Andreas Janz reporter
    1. Let’s have as many Overviews as the user likes to have. This way the user can decide to have e.g. a single Overview like in QGIS, or a Overview for each MapView like in ENVI Classic. Each Overview can have its individual list of layers (like a normal MapView). Overviews always show full extent of all included layers.
    2. Let’s have multiple ZoomViews. Each ZoomView should be linked to an individual MapView. ZoomViews simply show a magnification of a MapView. (see ZoomView Plugin for details)

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