double click on tree folder should expand it, instead of renaming it (use F2 for renaming)

Issue #444 wontfix
Andreas Janz created an issue

Comments (9)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow
    • changed status to open

    Nodes can be opened by single-click on the little arrow next to it. It would be much more convenient to open a settings dialog (like double-clicks do for map layer nodes). In this case, we could open a dialog to control the map canvas CRS and background color (see #230).

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Clicking on that little arrow is much “harder” than double-clicking on the whole folder, which is more easy to hit.

    It’s just for convinience to improve the navigation inside the panel.

    Please do not open a settings dialog and put that into the context menu.

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    Depending on user-preference, a double-click on a layer node open either the layer properties, the attribute table or the styling dock.

    This way, it would be much more convenient to open a settings dialog for map settings in case of a map view node.

  4. Andreas Janz reporter

    Benjamin, you got it wrong.
    I’m not talking about double-clicking on a Layer node (which is a leaf node). Yes, double-clicking on a layer node should open the properties dialog!
    I’m talking about clicking on the Map #1 node (which is a group node). Double-clicking an a group should expand the group!

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    I can understand you “speed” issue. Otherwise, the main QGIS does not expand group nodes by double-click, so why should we introduce this here?

    By the way group nodes: we should have them too. I created #649

  6. Andreas Janz reporter

    In the end it is a minor thing we are talking about. In daily work, it would be convinient for me, if I could double-click, but if that is too much of a hastle, or would conflict with known QGIS behaviour, we don’t do it. Let’s just discuss this with SL und FT.

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