use same icon for classification rasters in DataSources and DataViews panels

Issue #477 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue

Comments (4)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow
    • changed status to open

    is it really necessary? In case of a classification, the legend will be shown anyway. And it would be much different to what users know from QGIS

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    it would be much different to what users know from QGIS

    Yes, use the icon that the users know from QGIS. Why aren’t you using the same icon also inside the Data Sources panel?

    Why are we using two different icons in the two panels?

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    Historically because we differentiate between sources ( = data) and layers ( = data representation).

    However, the Data source panel will be re-designed (#430), so we can close this issue anyway

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