Enmap box - error upon opening

Issue #483 resolved
uma martinez created an issue

Hi I am able to open enmap box, but get an error message each time I open it. Also when I reopen the qgis project it forgets everything I loaded in Enmap box previously. The actual message is below.




message: …. see text file for more

EnMAPBoxApplication error(s): ensomap:

TypeError:create_target_machine() got an unexpected keyword argument 'jitdebug'
File "C:/Users/Uma/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins\enmapboxplugin\enmapbox\gui\applications.py", line 290, in addApplicationFolder
apps = factory(self.mEnMAPBox)
)…………………… etc

Comments (4)

  1. Fabian Thiel

    Hello Uma,

    the error occurs if numba is not (correctly) installed. Numba is only used by an Application within the EnMAP-Box called EnSOMAP. As long as you don’t need this application and the Box starts, you may ignore this error/warning.

    Saving Projects is currently not implemented, but we are working on it for future releases.

  2. uma martinez reporter

    Hi Fabian, thank you. I will try installing numba. I am into mineral mapping so am trying to get into Engeomap. Ensomap is for soils I take it. Enmap is a remarkable utility. I hope more youtube to tuts become available on pulling in open source hyperspectral data. I am using it to examine hyperion data. Good to know it is not saving and not an error in my part. Thank you!!

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