PCA: output csv file for Eigenvalues and eigenvectors and facilitate plot

Issue #518 resolved
Agustin Lobo created an issue

While eigenvectors and variance ratios can be accessed via the Data Sources Panel, a more user-friendly output via optional csv files would be nice. Also, a tool to actually display the graphic of cumulated var% vs. components would facilitate the adequate selection of relevant components,

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz

    I guess we will not implement special functionality that only serves PCA models.

    Two thinks we could implement that address your issue might be:

    1. Save the whole model (like it is displayed in the Data Sources Panel) to a text file.
    2. For a leave entry in the tree that represents a list of numbers (e.g. explained_variance) you can view it as a Plot (index versus value).

    Would that be sufficient for now?

  2. Andreas Janz

    @Benjamin Jakimow I looked into the code and found that the original data of model parameters inside the DataSourcesTree is not available via node.value(). This just gives me a string representation with potencial “…” compression in it.

    Could you make the original objects (e.g. numpy arrays) available? E.g. via node.origValue() syntax?

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    As the datasource panel will be redesigned (#430) anyway, I’d prefer to not overload it with specialized optiones. Instead I’d prefer to have a widget to explore models in a much better suited way than a QTreeView (the see my comment in #520).

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