after changing the Wavelength Units to Nanometers and click on Apply, the GUI switches back to Micrometers

Issue #544 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Comments (4)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    The changes can not be saved, so the reload of metadata returns the previous state that is still written on disk.

    You should already see a message like


    unable to open image in update mode: C:/Users/geo_beja/Repositories/QGIS_Plugins/enmap-box/enmapboxtestdata/enmap_berlin.bsq
    Cannot open compressed file in update mode.


    I’ll add a QgsMessageBar to the widget that shows these problems.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    This is how the error messages look like now:

    It seems that gdal.Open(… , gdal.GA_Update) is required for ENVI driver sources only, e.g. to write changed ENVI header data back to the *.hdr properly.

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