inconsistent/confusing behaviour regarding selectable raster layer

Issue #598 wontfix
Andreas Janz created an issue

The user should only see a raster layer inside a QgsMapLayerComboBox, if the layer is displayed inside a map view.

In the following setup, there is no map view, but the outClassification layer is selectable. At the same time, the example dataset layers aren’t selectable, which is confusing.

The outClassification layer was created by this PA:

Comments (8)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Ah, I see, the layer is also opened inside the QGIS Layers Panel.

    That is wrong behaviour, right?

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Maybe, let’s discuss this with Sebastian next meeting.

    Can you control this behaviour or would it be difficult to prevent opening the layer by QGIS?

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