Failed regression-based unmixing

Issue #660 closed
Estelle Solem created an issue


I am trying to create a fraction map using the regression-based unmixing application in EnMap. I followed the tutorial Regression-based unmixing of urban land cover — EnMAP-Box 3 3.7.20210506T1215 documentation but instead of the image provided by the tutorial I used a rapid eye image of Berlin (ground resolution of 6.5meters resampled to 5 m with 5 band RGB, red-edge, NiR) but I used the spectral library provided in the tutorial. I entered the same parameters as the ones describe in the tutorial. It is unfortunatly not working. I can’t identify the origin of the error. I am sending you a screen shot of the application window. I am new at that so maybe I have overlooked something. I would be grateful for your help!



Comments (4)

  1. Fabian Thiel

    Hello Estelle,

    you would first need to perform a spectral resampling on the spectral library, so that the spectral ranges of library and image match. In this case the library has 177 spectral “bands” and the rapid eye image 5 bands. Hence the error message at the end.

  2. Andreas Janz

    The app will be overhauled in the future and error-messages will be presented in a cleaner way.

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