Data Views panel: .bsq files listed under Other

Issue #662 closed
Fabian Thiel created an issue

.bsq files are listed under Other. Can not be added to a Map View.

Hence, also Load example Data is affected and only loads vector layers

Version built from current develop
Version 3.7.20210506T134511.develop

Comments (7)

  1. Fabian Thiel reporter

    seems to be related to gdal/qgis version, where bsq is not a valid data source. works in (my current) qgis ltr

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    *.bsq cannot be opened in QGIS by drag and drop any more. Seems that *.bsq is not matches to the GDAL ENVI driver any more.

    Error message is:
    Unsupported Data Source: … enmap_berlin.bsq is not a supported raster data source Driver GTM is considered for removal in GDAL 3.5. You are invited to convert any dataset in that format to another more common one .If you need this driver in future GDAL versions, create a ticket at (look first for an existing one first) to explain how critical it is for you (but the GDAL project may still remove it), and to enable it now, set the GDAL_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_DRIVER_GTM configuration option / environment variable to YES

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    Relates to the newer GDAL Versions. QGIS uses gdal.OpenEx to open GDAL raster sources, which fails on compressed ENVI datasets since at least GDAL 3.3.0

    You can try it in the python shell:

    from osgeo import gdal

    The last line returns a gdal Dataset in GDAL 3.2.2, but an error with GDAL 3.3.0

    RuntimeError: Driver GTM is considered for removal in GDAL 3.5. You are invited to convert any dataset in that format to another more common one .If you need this driver in future GDAL versions, create a ticket at (look first for an existing one first) to explain how critical it is for you (but the GDAL project may still remove it), and to enable it now, set the GDAL_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_DRIVER_GTM configuration option / environment variable to YES

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