Testdata enmap_srf_library and library_berlin.gpkg

Issue #710 resolved
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

The enmap_srf_library pretneds to be an EPSG:4326 point layer, but none of its features contains a valid geometry.
Instead it’s better to store it as GPKG / SpatialLite without geometries

To recognize that it is a spectral library, it’s default style (*.qml) needs to define the “profiles” field to be of widget type “SpectralProfile” (this affects library_berlin.gpkg as well)

Comments (3)

  1. Andreas Janz
    1. QML is already changed but not yet committed.
    2. Regarding the CRS: if I remember correctly, I used the spectral view to save the library. So I guess it is default behaviour to use EPSG:4326 (?). But is it really relevant? Does it cause any problems?

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