mind the upcoming Sentinel-2 L1C/L2A product format changes

Issue #743 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue

Dear all,

the details of the recently announced product format changes for Sentinel-2 L1C and L2A products have just been published.
These will be rolled out with the new processing baseline version 04.00 starting 26 October.

The changes are quite comprehensive and include:

1 switch from GML to JPG2000 QI layers, together including several new QI and ancillary bands (likely in "bit-packed" coding)

2 radiometric bias adjustment between S2A and S2B

3 spectral bands provided at additional spatial resolutions (e.g. B01 at 20m)

The full details are published here:

These changes are valuable but give less than one month's prior notice which could be problematic.
Let me know if you have any feedback or encounter any problems.  

All the best,

Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Hi @Henrike Dierkes , please download a L1C and a L2A product stored in the new format.

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