add style for linked raster z-profiles in SpectralProfileSources panel

Issue #785 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue

Currently, we can set the color of linked profiles:

I would suggest to also allow settings for line stlye, marker symbols, etc. If possible, use the same widget already known from the SpectralView:

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Marker symbols are especially important, when the z-profile can have no data values. E.g. a profile like this [1, nan, 3, nan, 5], where valid data points are surrounded by nan values, The z profile plot would show nothing, because the valid data points would only show up, if we had specified marker symbols.

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Benjamin, as an alternative solution: instead of having full control over the style of linked profiles, we could just set small circles as marker symbols with the same color as the line color. This way, the problem with nan values is solved.

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