Spectral library: light theme default profile colour same as background

Issue #819 resolved
Fabian Thiel created an issue

Currently the color of a library spectrum is white in the light theme, which is the same as the background color (hence nothing is visible).
Reproduce: Add berlin_library, right-click in the plot area → Colors → switch to light theme

Comments (9)

  1. Fabian Thiel reporter

    Did you add spectra to this library? I assume I see an empty library and a singular selected profile in the screenshot?

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    Changing the theme does not change colors defined for individual profile visualization.
    In this case the initial setup uses a dark background and white for profiles. Switching to the bright theme leads to the effect that the background color is the same as used for the individual profile visualization.

    There might exists multiple profile visualizations, each one defining an individual color. I somehow hesitate simply owerwriting these color automatically just because the theme has changed, as these colors might have been set explicitely.

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    Adding to my previous comment:
    The situation is exactly the same as if the profile color would be taken from an attribute in the attribute table which returns the background color.
    In that case, would you change it? if so, which color do you like to use instead? I think it’s best to let the user’s decide how to solve this problem, based on individual preference.

  4. Andreas Janz

    Good point Benjamin. Maybe we use a default color that works for both themes?

    What about the grey color you use for linked profiles?

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    The spectral library widget's plot settings allow to set a color theme.

    • If a new theme's background color is equal to a profile style's line color, the line color will be changed to the new color theme foreground/line color.

    • In any other cases existing line colors will not be changed

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