Processing PRISMA L1 uimage

Issue #834 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I try to open and process a PRISMA L1C image I get the error shown in the attached screen shot.



Comments (14)

  1. Gian Marco Scarpa

    Hello Andreas I am experiencing the same issue mentioned above. How was it solved? thanks

  2. Gian Marco Scarpa

    Hello Andreas Just tried the new version that you sent and it is working fine! it works only if i open the qgis from conda as already discussed. attached an example of two L2D opened and linked thanks again Gian Marco

    Il giorno mer 19 gen 2022 alle ore 22:55 Andreas Janz <

  3. Andreas Janz

    it works only if i open the qgis from conda as already discussed

    @Gian Marco Scarpa isn’t it working on OSGeo4W QGIS? Be sure to import a L2D product (L1 isn’t updated yet). What error message to you get?

  4. Gian Marco Scarpa

    yes sorry! with the L2D it works fine! thanks

    Il giorno gio 20 gen 2022 alle ore 10:41 Andreas Janz <

  5. Andreas Janz
    • changed status to open

    The updated L2D import algorithms seam to work now on systems that hab problems with opening PRISMA HE5 files. Will update the L1 import soon, before 3.10 release.

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