Cant load EnMapbox Plugin

Issue #835 closed
Glenn Slade created an issue


I am trying to install enmap-box 3.9 plugin on QGIS Version 3.18. I have tried installing from plugin manager and zip file

I get the following message when installing EnMap-box plugin

Couldn't load plugin 'enmapboxplugin' due to an error when calling its classFactory() method
Exception: pyqtgraph requires Qt version >= 5.12  (your version is 5.11.2)

To try and solve this I have pip installed all dependencies and I have pip installed pyside2 - but cant get further that this error message.

Please can you assist - many thanks

Comments (5)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    @Glenn Slade
    Please update QGIS to 3.22 (or higher), which is compiled against a more recent Qt version

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