add PAN band output to PRISMA import algorithms

Issue #878 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

This is the PAN subdatset:

Also check out the R implementation here:

Comments (8)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    You’re welcome Dimitris.
    And also, we are open to any further feedback or suggestions regarding PRISMA support in the EnMAP-Box.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Dimitris Poursanidis

    Ok so.

    Option for VNIR or SWIR data cube to import/use?

    A way to remove bands with bad lines?

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    Option for VNIR or SWIR data cube to import/use?

    Alright:  #879

    A way to remove bands with bad lines?

    Who is identifying those bands? The user or an algorithm (is such an algorithm available in Python)?

    After the bad bands list is known, we can just do band subsetting.

  4. Dimitris Poursanidis

    the bad lines are not systematic in the data. Visualy can be identified by the user and automated by detecting anomalies in the sequence of the band.

    example >

  5. Andreas Janz reporter

    Just realized that there is a Pansharpening algorithm available in QGIS 🙂

    And the result can be stored as a VRT, so we do not even need to write the 5m pansharpened spectral cube to disk ❤

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