layer style and temporal properties are getting lost when drag&drop a layer from EnMAP-Box to QGIS

Issue #886 on hold
Andreas Janz created an issue

Drag&drop from QGIS to EnMAP-Box works fine, but from EnMAP-Box to QGIS we lose the style:

We also lose the temporal properties:

Comments (8)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    This not only applies to the temporal properties, but also to the layer styling. The layer style prepared in the EnMAP-Box, e.g.

    Style is lost after drop into QGIS:

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow I guess you don’t clone the layer, but create a new layer using the source. This way the style and the temporal properties are lost.

    I hope this is easy to fix. If not, please point me to the relevant code.

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow here is the mime data content when dropping from QGIS or EnMAP:

  4. Benjamin Jakimow

    Drag & drop events from outside the QGIS application are handled byvoid QgisApp::dropEvent( QDropEvent *event ). As you can see in

    mimeData urls are used only, but no additional infromations.

    So it’s not an EnMAP-Box bug, just standard QGIS behaviour.
    You might create an issue in the QGIS issue tracker.

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    reduced priority as “send to QGIS” including styles etc. is available via EnMAP-Box context menues

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