allow "spectral linked layers" in the Waveband Locator panel

Issue #911 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

It is proposed to allow the selection of additional layers that are “spectrally linked” to the current (master) layer.

If the current layer changes its renderer bands, the linked layer renderer bands are also updated.

Usecase 1: matching by band wavelength
Given an EnMAP raster and a linked PRISMA raster. Changing the RGB bands in the EnMAP raster to TrueColor-RGB, will also set the PRISMA raster renderer to TrueColor-RGB. Note that EnMAP and PRISMA bands have different center wavelength, so that the TrueColor-RGB bands are matched by wavelength and not simply by band number.

Usecase 2: matching by band number
Given two raster with comparable bands and no wavelength available. Here we can still update the linked raster renderer bands, by simply using the same band numbers.

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    First prototype.

    PRISMA L2D Spectral Cube and linked with it’s Pixel Error Matrix Cube:

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    ToDo: as discussed with @Benjamin Jakimow , move the spectral linking table to a separate dialog and split the Min/Max settings into 3 columns:

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