bad pixel interpolation

Issue #912 new
Andreas Janz created an issue

Motivated by @Agustin Lobo in issue #910.

Some EO products like PRISMA have spectral reflectance and pixel error information, e.g.

It is proposed to have an algorithm that interpolates pixel errors.

Interpolation could be done in different ways:

  1. pixel-wise: only using spectral values from a single pixel → Z Profile Interpolation
  2. band-wise: by using spatial interpolation
  3. combined spectral-spatiol interpolation

Implementation could be done as:

  1. 1D / 2D / 3D Convolution Filter (using RBF or SavitzkiGolay kernel) → this should be very fast
  2. Machine-Learning → very slow

Comments (2)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    We decided to discuss this with the folks from GFZ. Maybe bad pixel interpolation and image destriping can be done at the same time.

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