improve "Raster Layer Styling" panel (f.k.a. "Waveband Locator")

Issue #949 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Discussed in team.

  • rename panel title to "Raster Layer Styling"
  • rename “Spectral Linkling” to “Style Linking”
  • in the MapView context menu: add a submenu “Change Raster Layer Styling“. In the submen show each raster layer currently visible in the MapView. If a layer is clicked, it is set as the current layer in Raster Layer Styling panel
  • rename “Visualization” in RGB tab to 'Predefined”
  • add “Default Bands” button in the correct tab, if the layer default style matches the RGB, Gray or Pseudo renderer
  • clear combobox selection after the user selects a band manually

By taking away the focus on the spectral aspect by not using the terms “Waveband” and “Spectral”, we can introduce new features like “selecting bands by datetime” later.

Comments (11)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Note that the new name is now very similar to the existing “Layer Styling” panel in QGIS.

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Agustin Lobo you suggested the name "Advanced Raster Symbology". I hope "Raster Layer Styling" is also fine for you.

  3. Agustin Lobo

    Not a big deal. “Advanced Layer Styling” or perhaps “EnMabBox Layer Styling” would use the same terminology as QGIS and would thus be more familiar to the user, emphasizing the fact that it is an improved styling.

  4. Andreas Janz reporter

    in the MapView context menu: add a submenu “Change Raster Layer Styling“. In the submen show each raster layer currently visible in the MapView. If a layer is clicked, it is set as the current layer in Raster Layer Styling panel

    @Benjamin Jakimow I think this is much better than just using the top-raster directly.

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