"Run as Batch Process..." button is broken in any algorithm startet from the EnMAP-Box Processing Toolbox panel

Issue #953 wontfix
Andreas Janz created an issue

Can be reproduced with any algorithm, e.g. use GDAL Translate:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\miniconda\envs\qgis\Library\python\plugins\processing\gui\AlgorithmDialog.py", line 96, in runAsBatch
    dlg = BatchAlgorithmDialog(self.algorithm().create(), parent=iface.mainWindow())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'mainWindow'

Comments (9)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Seam to only appear when the EnMAP-Box is started as stand-alone app from PyCharm. In QGIS 3.18 it worked.

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    It isn't working in the stand-alone version. So it is “a” problem, but not a big one anymore.

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    I opt for wontfix. We don’t provide an official stand-alone version.

    The problem is within the QGIS Processing Framework, which imports qgis.utils.iface before it is set to our own QGIS Mockup (which provides a main window).

  4. Andreas Janz reporter

    I opt for wontfix. We don’t provide an official stand-alone version.

    The problem is within the QGIS Processing Framework, which imports qgis.utils.iface before it is set to our own QGIS Mockup (which provides a main window).

    Alright, so it is a known issue. Just let it sit on-hold. Maybe it get’s fixed in the future.

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