Allow for local .plugin.ini

Issue #997 new
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

The .plugin.ini is used to control the build of the EnMAP-Box plugin.

The file section is use to define include and exclude patterns for the files to be used (example below):

To easy the definition of these file-patterns it would be nice if additional .plugin.ini files could be used to define these patterns specifically for subfolders and their children.

global settings: enmap-box/.plugin.ini

  • defines sections relevant for plugin building in scripts/
  • section [files] defines include & exclude patterns

local settings: enmap-box/subA/subB/.plugin.ini <- settings applied to folder sub/*

  • defines a [files] section with include & exclude patterns relative to subB
  • [files] section is evaluated by scripts/
  • is also a good place to define other settings relevant for code in subB/
  • can be used by submodules to define which files from them need to be included in the final EnMAP-Box folder
# file patterns can be defined by :
# no prefix  -> glob /fnmatch pattern
# prefix rx: -> regular expression
ignore =
    # ignore hidden files and folders like .gitignore

include =
exclude =

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