Add metafeatures to feature extraction step

Issue #3 new
Ali Hürriyetoglu repo owner created an issue

In addition to regular expression based feature extraction, we need to take features like length of a tweet. Check the blog post "Predicting HN upvotes using headlines" on . It has code like:

# Our list of functions to apply.
transform_functions = [
    lambda x: len(x),
    lambda x: x.count(" "),
    lambda x: x.count("."),
    lambda x: x.count("!"),
    lambda x: x.count("?"),
    lambda x: len(x) / (x.count(" ") + 1),
    lambda x: x.count(" ") / (x.count(".") + 1),
    lambda x: len(re.findall("\d", x)),
    lambda x: len(re.findall("[A-Z]", x)),

# Apply each function and put the results into a list.
columns = []
for func in transform_functions:

# Convert the meta features to a numpy array.
meta = numpy.asarray(columns).T 

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