work on: inflection, derivation, compound, synonym

Issue #26 new
Ali Hürriyetoglu repo owner created an issue

From Nelleke:

Hi Ali,

I had meant to send you a list of 'griep'-related words (derivations, compounds and synonyms).

So, later than intended, please find the list of items I could think of below. You may want to exclude the more formal synonym 'influenza' because this will possibly pollute your data set with tweets from other languages. If you decide to do so, I suggest that you also exclude all 'influenza'-related words (effectively limiting yourself to 'griep'-related words).

If your angle on this is going to be 'griep' compounds, then you should also exclude - the word 'griep' itself (since this is not a compound) - the adjectival forms (griepaal, griepale, griepachtig, griepachtige, grieperig, grieperige) - the diminutive form 'griepje' thus limiting yourself to only singular and plural noun compounds (which is still a fair set).

Best, Nelleke

griep griepaal griepaanval griepaanvallen griepachtig griepachtige griepale griepbacil griepbacillen griepbehandeling griepbehandelingen griepbesmetting griepbesmettingen griepcampagne griepcampagnes griepcheck griepchecks griepcijfer griepcijfers griepcoach griepcoaches griepcommissaris griepcommissarissen griepdode griepdoden griepepidemie grieperig grieperige griepgeval griepgevallen griepgevoel griepgolf griepgolven griepinjectie griepinjecties griepje griepklachten griepkorrels griepmedicijn griepmedicijnen griepmelding griepmeldingen griepmeting griepmetingen griepmiddel griepmiddelen grieppandemie griepperiode griepperiodes griepprik griepprikken griepsoort griepsoorten griepspuit griepspuiten griepsymptomen griepsymptoom grieptest grieptests griepuitbraak griepuitbraken griepvaccin griepvaccinatie griepvaccinatieprogramma griepvaccinatieprogramma's griepvaccinaties griepvaccins griepverschijnsel griepverschijnselen griepvirus griepvirussen

influenza influenza-achtig influenza-achtige influenzabacil influenza-bacil influenzapandemie influenzavaccinatie influenzavirus influenzavirussen

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