UpdateToLatestAsync does not work

Issue #4 wontfix
Meghan Pretorius created an issue

This is happening on v1.1.2

runner.UpdateToLatestAsync(result => true).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

Migrations not found in assambly System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e
at at MongoDBMigrations.MigrationLocator.GetAllMigrations(Assembly assembly)
at at MongoDBMigrations.MigrationLocator.GetAllMigrations()
at at MongoDBMigrations.MigrationLocator.GetMigrations(Version currentVersion, Version targetVerstion)
at at MongoDBMigrations.MigrationRunner.UpdateToAsync(Version targetVersion, Func2 confirmation, IProgress1 progress)

Comments (5)

  1. Meghan Pretorius reporter

    Doesn’t really seem to be an issue when you use the locator to specify the assembly path. Can you please just add documentation for the async methods?

  2. Arthur Osmokiesku repo owner

    Hi Meghan Pretorius, I am working on a huge update now under version 2.0.0. There are lots of changes in the library API. One of them is removing all async staff. It’s a temporary decision. So this ticket will be closed.

  3. Arthur Osmokiesku repo owner

    Async functionality will be throw out in text major version. The new version will be available soon. (Jan 2020)

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