Embed in Swing application

Issue #1 new
Ian Mayo repo owner created an issue

NWW probably expects to run in it's own top-level window.

We wish to demote it, so that it's just a component laid out within a larger application.

Extend the demonstration app so that we've got a Swing panel to the left-hand of the component. We can include a "Quit" button in this panel, just to get it started.

The NWW component should resize as the demo app frame resizes.

In the examples folder is SplitPaneUsage. This is a demo of a Swing app - we should be able to use it directly. There's another example of putting a NWW pane into a Swing panel at: http://dendro.cornell.edu/svn/corina/branches/dev/src/main/java/edu/cornell/dendro/corina/gis/GISPanel.java

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