Create new sea surface

Issue #25 wontfix
Ian Mayo repo owner created an issue

We've got a sea surface in the app.

But, it has the following shortcomings: * it takes a couple of seconds to load * it doesn't go all the way to the coastline (see the light-blue band in shot1.png and shot2.png)

Comments (6)

  1. Ian Mayo reporter

    Hi, unfortunately the images aren't showing in the blog article. Do you have another source for them?

  2. Ian Mayo reporter

    Hi, afraid I get 'oops' for both links. Neither chrome nor safari can find

  3. Ian Mayo reporter

    Here's a screenshot from Tisham (whatnick) previous work. It appears to overcome the problem of the sea surface not quite meeting the coastline.

  4. Ian Mayo reporter

    Unfortunately Tisham hasn't been able to find time to support the project, so we'll close this issue for now - and resolve it separately.

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