Culling seems broken for marine track

Issue #28 open
Ian Mayo repo owner created an issue

There seems to be a problem whereby tracks are remaining visible when they should be obscured by the terrain.

In the first attached screenshot we view some tracks from above.

In the second I've panned/zoomed . The landmass should obscure the tracks, but it doesn't.

I suspect this may be associated with our workarounds to make tracks visible through the textured-sea-surface.

Comments (10)

  1. Lance Wellspring

    I've tried to replicate this and can't seem to get it to happen. Whenever the tracks go 'behind' some terrain due to panning or tilting, they disappear for me. Because those screenshots you posted are so small, its hard to see the problem. Could you perhaps post larger ones?

  2. Ian Mayo reporter

    Hi, I've attached annotated screenshots.

    The red highlight circles a track. In the ...18.png image you'll see it goes into an inlet on the coast. In the .26.png image you'll see that the track line should disappear behind the hill, but it remains visible.

    I've also attached a zip containing the a set of tracks. Once unzipped, you should be able to drag/drop them into the app, and view the problem (or at least verify if it happens under MS Win.

  3. Lance Wellspring

    Yes, I see what you are saying now. It is almost certainly caused by the disabling of depth testing. The most ideal solution would be the new ocean surface being truly transparent so that tracks can be seen through them w/o any special changes. I think this problem should wait until the new ocean layer is implemented in case the problem is fixed there.

  4. Ian Mayo reporter
    • changed status to open

    It's probably worth re-opening this, to ensure our Surface-Layer solution isn't causing this problem, and that we don't forget it.

  5. Ian Mayo reporter

    Aah, I've been having a further play. I can see instances where the drop-lines are culled by the semi-transparent sea surface. So instead of seeing them through the surface, they're getting partially culled.

    It would be great for us to learn more about this.

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