Attempt to run on V7R1 for install of Open Source w/o ACS / Offline: "This system is too old"

Issue #132 closed
Dale Asher created an issue

I have a customer that needs to install open systems bits on V7R1. Since 5733OPS lic pgm is outdated, attempting to install open systems for NodeJs v8 (newer 64-bit version). Stuck on the step to run to install the initial yum and other components, prior to install of “Development Tools” and then version 8 of Node.

When they try to get the IBM i open source components installed, they have a problem on step 5: 

To install the tools from the transferred [bootstrap] files in the /tmp directory, from a Command Entry
display enter the following command:
QSH CMD('touch -C 819 /tmp/bootstrap.log; /QOpenSys/usr/bin/ksh /tmp/

/tmp/bootstrap.log 2>&1')
The installation might take several minutes. The message "Command ended normally with  exit status 0" indicates a successful result.

They get an exit status of "1" and these messages in the bootstrap log:
This system is too old!
IBM i 7.2 or above is required.
Bootstrap succeeded


What is ‘trick’ now for installing bootstrap on V7R1?

Is this code in the bootstrap new?

VERSION=`uname -v``uname -r`
if [ 0$VERSION -lt 72 ]
  echo "This system is too old!"
  echo "IBM i 7.2 or above is required."
  exit 1

I’ve run previously on V7R1 w/o issues (July 2019 or so).

Please advise recommendation for installation on V7R1 to support installation of Development Tools and Node v8+.

Thanks in advance,


Comments (5)

  1. Kevin Adler

    Please advise recommendation for installation on V7R1 to support installation of Development Tools and Node v8+.

    Sorry, there is no advised recommendation for installing the rpm ecosystem on IBM i 7.1.

    IBM i 7.1 went out of support over 2 years ago and we announced that rpm support would be going away nearly a year ago

    While it's possible someone in the community has a way to bootstrap a 7.1 system today, it should be noted that Node.js v8 and up were never supported on 7.1 even when other rpms could be installed there. The only versions we ever shipped that ran on 7.1 were in the long discontinued 5733-OPS.

  2. Dale Asher reporter


    Thanks for confirming.

    I do see that we did run an earlier version of the and .tar on our V7R1 last year (215770W), but unclear when we may have downloaded them. At that time they ran without issues.

    cd /tmp                                                                
    ls -l boot*                                                            
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 dalea_x  0            375247 Jul 02 2019  bootstrap.log
    -rwxrwxrwx    1 dalea_x  0           3920582 Jul 02 2019 
    -rwxrwxrwx    1 dalea_x  0         269537280 Jul 02 2019  bootstrap.tar

    I also do have Node v8 installed there using yum and the newer 64-bit packages from the current repo for open systems

    Will advise the customer (is Toys R Us in Asia, but I don’t have their host qsrlnbr) that they’ll need to take steps to upgrade OS for continued IBM open systems support.

    As we still find customers lagging behind in their OS updates and need to support their older versions of our software until they can upgrade, I would like see if you can confirm when and it’s older bootstrap.tar were last updated with that V7R2 restriction.

    Thanks in advance for any further info…



  3. Kevin Adler

    If you have an old and bootstrap.tar you could use those to install on another system. See these instructions: The may expect the tar file to be compressed, which you can do with compress /tmp/bootstrap.tar. Of course, the repo no longer has any 7.1 rpms in it. There’s a backup at for now.

    I’m not sure how how you got Node.js installed on a 7.1 system, since that should give you an error during the install.

    I believe we shipped out the 7.2-only bootstrap last November or so.

    I would also note that 7.2 is going out of support in April 2021. I don’t know how long we will support it after it goes out of support.

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