Are IBM AIX Toolbox RPMs installable by IBM i Open Source's Yum RPM install methods?

Issue #140 resolved
Terry Schwarz created an issue

IBM AIX Toolbox offers various AIX RPM packages. Are these RPMs installable by the IBM i Open Source Yum RPM install methods described in the wiki or special steps needed to “fit” into the /QOpenSys side of IFS … the wiki doesn’t explicitly mention this context.

Granted I am also aware that even if AIX RPMs can be installed there might also be PASE compatibilities that might be encountered within any given package at runtime so am strictly asking about the general issue of installability.

If the RPMs are not compatible or require an inordinate number of special steps to accomplish … what is the proper place to request package additions to the RPMs maintained for IBM i Open Source site … in particular, I would be looking for ETCD, ETCDCTL and GO Runtime.

Comments (2)

  1. Kevin Adler

    No, AIX rpms do not integrate with IBM i rpms. There are ways to install AIX rpms in PASE, but I would not recommend it because AIX rpms are built for AIX while PASE is only a subset and works differently in some ways. Years ago there were scripts built to make it easy to install AIX Perzl rpms, but they were very flaky and brittle as new updates constantly broke things in PASE, which is why we decided to build our own ecosystem. For small RPM requests you can certainly open issues here, but for something like etcd and Go, you’d need to open an RFE. For Go, there’s already an RFE: but feel free to open one for etcd.

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